It was 40 years ago today that the astronauts from Apollo 8 became the first to orbit the moon, and see the beautiful rising earth. That evening, while millions watched, Lunar Module Pilot William Anders read from the Bible, "In the beginning, God said, 'Let There Be Light!.'"
A lot had happened in the world of 1968, and most of it was bad. But that evening, mankind did not just see the world from space. They saw the world differently. They saw what mankind could achieve when they focused their attention on a higher goal. They saw America at her best!
The astronauts continued to read scriptures that Christmas Evening, and finally closed with the following: "Good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you, all of you on the good Earth."
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
40 Years Ago Today!---Merry Christmas
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 4:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Trying to Take a Good Picture
We made several attempts this morning, but unfortunately we were unable get a good picture where all three girls were looking at the camera! In the above picture, you can tell what we were trying to do (hold up a sheet, etc.). You might also notice there is a candy bar in Chloe's hand. Below are couple of decent ones we were able to get of the two older girls.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 1:44 PM 2 comments
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tag! We're it!
We have been tagged by Amy at The Wells Family blog. We are suppose to post the 4th picture from the 4th folder. We post most of our picture by year and then each month. The 4th folder in there is the year 2008. Then we have a folder for each month. I am not sure what happened, but the folders are in alphabetical order, so January is the 4th folder. This is the 4th picture:This is a picture of Chloe's 4D ultrasound. We were really excited to get this and be able to see a little more what our daughter looks like. Of course, she looks much better now. She is already 9 months old. Wow, where does the time go?
We are suppose to tag 4 people who read this blog and also have a blog. We are going to do like Amy did and just say if you read this blog, then you have been tagged. Leave a comment if you post this on your blog.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 3:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wonderful Thanksgiving
What a great Thanksgiving Day. Our neighbors Ryan and Becky, and Becky's mother June came over for a turkey dinner. We had a great fellowship and a great meal! We got the chance to catch up with Ryan and Becky, and get to know June. June is a medical doctor and practicing psychiatrist, and it was a real honor and treat to get her insight on various issues.
Above is a picture of the adults at the table, and below is a picture of our family, and the girls playing in the leaves.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 9:55 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Halloween 2008
Last night we handed out candy, and a few friends stopped by. I think everyone had a good time. We ate snacks, and talked politics. It was a fun evening. Here are some pictures highlighting the night!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 4:12 PM 2 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Harvest Festival Parade
The girls and I attended the first Harvest Festival Parade a few weeks back. Ryan did not go this year, but our neighbor Becky went with us. We had a good time. I know the girls loved to get the candy. Here are a few picture of us and the girls at the parade.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 7:43 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
68 Days until Christmas
WOW!! Can you believe that Christmas is just around the corner? I (Amy) am wanting to make some homemade gifts this year for our girls and a few other people. I am thinking I better start soon.
I am looking for some good ideas. I can sew a little bit and I know how to do a few things. Do you have any suggestions?
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 5:01 PM 2 comments
Labels: Christmas
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Carving the Pumpkin
We have not always carved pumpkins as a part of our Fall and/or Halloween traditions. I was just remembering today that the first time we carved a pumpkin with our girls, Callie was Chloe's age (about 7 months). This is our third year carving a pumpkin. The girls really enjoyed it.
Here is Ryan showing Chloe inside the pumpkin. (I don't think she was that impressed.)
Here is Ryan helping Callie get some of the "yucky stuff" out of the pumpkin. She did not last long. I think she got just a little bit and then she was done.
Here is Cassidy cleaning out the inside of the pumpkin. She did most of the digging. She seemed to enjoy it. Ryan had to finish cleaning it up and carving out the face.
Here are the girls with the finished product. I think they did a pretty good job, it looks great! I think it was more difficult to get all three girls looking and smiling at the camera at the same time. This is the best picture I could get and part of Callie's face is covered by the pumpkin stem.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 8:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
Cassidy's Birthday
We had Cassidy's birthday party last week. We decided this year that we were not going to have a big party like we've had in the past. We had a few family members over and Cassidy invited one of her friends. I think everyone had a good time.
You can see a picture of Cassidy's cake. I was quite disappointed when I called early in the week and was told by our favorite cake maker that she could not have a cake for Friday. I decided to call her back and see if she could do it for Thursday and she said she could. Cassidy wanted a butterfly cake. I think the lady did a wonderful job. Her cakes always taste so good. She does a great job making them.
Cassidy had a great birthday this year!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 4:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Just Swinging
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 12:21 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Holiday World Trip
We went to Holiday World today. We had a good time. The girls really enjoyed themselves. They rode a lot of different rides. We took pictures of them on a few of the rides.
Chloe even got in on the fun. She rode the Star Spangled Carousel. For about half the ride, she was laughing and was happy, then she got upset and wanted off. I was standing next to her, so I just held her the rest of the ride.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 3:48 PM 2 comments
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Tiramisu and rambles
Our neighbor Becky came over tonight for supper. She brought with her an Italian desert called "Tiramisu." I don't get out much, so at first I thought she must be making reference to an old Johny Cash song (Boy Named Sue). Apparently this is a very popular dish, and in its original form it is made with rum. Being the teetotallers that we are, she brought non-rum variety. It had a sweet cake with a taste of coffee inside.
Alright, let me ramble a bit. Amy took the kids to Chucky Cheese today, and I stayed home and worked on the yard. I'm sure some of you have noticed that I have not been writing a lot lately. This is just a very busy time right now. I'm working on National Board Certification, and that is keeping me pretty busy. When I do have a chance to sit down at the computer, I just want to read political stuff. Which reminds me; recently I wrote to the chairman of the republican party for our county. I wanted to know why it seems that our state has basically conceded to the democratic party in this election. He basically said that it dealt with the fact that no one wants to give any money locally. A few days later I got a letter in the mail asking me to give money. What else to say... I'm thinking about investing in gold. That would make for a good post. Keep watching for that one, and thanks for reading!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 8:32 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Funny Things Kids Say
The other night I was putting the girls to bed. They sometimes have small arguments when they go to bed. They share a room and sometimes Callie gets on Cassidy's bed or Cassidy gets on Callie's bed. It is nothing really. I was tired and didn't want to listen to them argue. I told them if they couldn't get along, then I would have to separate them. (Of course, I was not sure how I would do that because the other bedroom is Chloe's.) Cassidy wanted to know how I was going to do that. I told her I don't know yet. Callie looked up with her sad eyes and said, "You are going to SALE us?" I quickly told her no and left the room. Cassidy understood what she said and was chuckling. I had to leave because I couldn't contain my laughter. It was not only what she said, but HOW she said it. After laughing a bit, I went back in and reassured her that I would NEVER sale her.
The girls are so funny. I know there have been many other funny things they have said and done. I am just so afraid I will forget them all. I just had to share this one.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Labels: The Girls
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Never Forget
We can only hope that we will never experience another event like 9/11. I can't really believe its been seven years. It remains so vivid in my mind. Watching the television images, seeing the looks on my student's faces. Coming home and hugging my wife. The anger I felt. The sorrow. I wanted to join the military right away, and sometimes I wish I would have.
I hope we are a safer place today. I hope my children never have to experience feeling I and the rest of the nation felt on that dreadful day.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 3:08 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Watching Governor Palin's Speech
It was quite a joy to watch John McCain's running mate give the speech of her life last night! When I first heard about his choice, I wasn't quite sure what to think. But after reading up on her, I don't think he could have picked a better candidate. She is strong, well spoken, and conservative! Yes, she has a few family issues, but my goodness, what American family doesn't? Who better to be a heart beat away from the President than a woman who can relate to everyday people! During her speech, I remember thinking, "This is exactly the type of role model I want for my three daughters!" Good luck, Sarah Palin, you've got my vote!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 5:54 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
Struggles of a New Year
I'm sure a lot of you have noticed I've not been posting very much lately. To be honest, I'm just incredibly busy. Going back to school each year has its challenges. In fact, I heard one teacher say the other day, "This is like starting a new job every year!" And, that is not too far from the truth.
So far, I have the most students I've ever had--147! I have one class that has three kids with the same name in it. I do my best to learn all their names as quickly as I can, but they all have until Tuesday of next week to switch classes. Just today I got two or three new ones. And already, I've had a student who I think is being abused, one who took refuge in my room because a group was going to beat him up, and one who came in to tell me her friend died of a drug-related heart attack. Wow, the things these kids go through! Somewhere along the line, I hope to teach them science this year!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 5:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Visiting the B17
Yesterday I took Cassidy to visit one of the last remaining strategic, long-range bombers of WWII. The B-17, nicknamed the "Flying Fortress," was instrumental in the campaign wages against the Germans and other enemies during the world. The bomber had the ability to fly high in the sky, defend itself, and gained an almost mythical reputation for its ability to bring home its crew despite heavy damage. Of course, to a five-year-old, it was just a really cool airplane.
The next picture was taken as the airplane flew over our house! The four powerful engines made a roar that was unlike anything else. I'm sure it would have been a frightening sound to hear, especially behind enemy lines in the 1940's. Below that is a close-up picture of the plane in which you can make out its name, "Sentimental Journey."
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 5:51 AM 2 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Introducing Pillownaut
To our wonderful surprise, our blog was visited recently by Pillownaut! Some of you might have noticed that in the sidebar I have a link to her blog. Pillownaut is a lady from Texas who is currently taking part in a space flight study where she has, as I understand it, 4 months of bedrest. The program tries to mimic the effects micro-gravity has on the body for extended periods of time. Scientists hope to better understand what happens so they can develop effective treatments and exercise routines. I first learned about Pillownaurt from seeing her on the news!
Now before everyone says, "Oh that must be nice to just lie around in bed for four months," I encourage you to read her blog. From what I can tell, it is no walk in the park. In fact, the effects on the body can be downright painful as your muscles and bones begin the deteriorate from lack of use.
Thanks, Pillownaut, for the comments (especially the one on the's nice to meet another fellow Trekker). And, no, we don't live in Georgia. We live in Mt. Vernon, Illinois. It's not known for much, but the Midwest is a great place to live! We'll keep reading your blog, and we hope that you visit us again soon!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 4:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Time of Decisions
This seems to be the time for difficult decisions. To begin with, I have decided to take a break from martial arts. Tae Kwon Do had become a regular routine in my life for about the past year. I worked my way up to blue belt, and met some goals. I'm stronger, and for the moment I have a large pool of techniques I can practice on my own. Taking a break will allow my body to heal (I've been battling a rough case of plantar fasciitis for over a month now), and help to keep me from getting burned out. I've learned in life that when something extra-curricular stops being fun, it usually means you need a break from it. If it is meant to be, the desire will come back. If not, the world is full of other exciting things to do.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3: 5,6
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 3:48 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
The X-Files
Few television shows of the 90's held my interest better than the X-Files. Each week I would anxiously watch Mulder and Scully investigate UFO's, the paranormal, and the unexplained. It reminded me of being a child, and always wanting to see aliens. Alright, I was a strange child. Anyways, this afternoon Amy and I had a rare chance to get away from the kids and visit a movie theater, along with our wonderful next-door neighbors Ryan and Becky.
Although I think the other X-Files movie was better, this one did have some twists. I've heard a lot of people talk about how bad the movie was, but honestly, I was just so excited to see Mulder and Scully working together again, it didn't matter to me that there were no aliens (oops, I gave that away).
Well, if you go see it, stay until the very end of the credits to watch the "goodbye." I have a feeling it was telling us there will be no more X-Files. But, then again, you never know. I'd like to believe there will be, or should I say, "I Want To Believe." Thanks for reading!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 7:44 PM 2 comments
Fun Outside with the Girls
Here a few pictures of the girls outside. Callie has recently has discovered the power Dora jeep. She loves it, but she doesn't know how to steer it. Ryan tied a rope on the jeep and he stands in the middle and makes the jeep go in a circle. Callie loves it. Here is a picture of her in the jeep.
Of course, Cassidy loves having her picture taken. She rode the tricycle around on the concrete and posed for a picture.
Chloe was just sitting on my lap during all this. She loves watching her sisters play. She sometimes just giggles as she watches them.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 6:26 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pictures of the Girls
We enjoyed some time outside the other day before it was so hot. Cassidy swam in the big pool, Callie swam in the little pool, and Chloe just sat in her seat watching. I thought I would snap a few picture to share with you.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 6:38 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Getting a Deal!
As most of you know, my wife is really big into clipping coupons and saving money. In fact, she has a blog site devoted mainly to that--Amy's Life. I on, the other hand, just hate spending money. If it were up to me, we would probably just drink water, eat those noodles in packages, and survive on the basics (well, that's a little exaggerated).
But, with all the hits she has been getting on her website, and of course, getting interviewed by Channel 3, I thought to myself, "I have to try this coupon thing!." So, for the first time, I set off on my adventure to purchase something for less. Here is what I got:
I had two coupons for a dollar off 32oz Power Aid. It only costs a dollar at Kroger, so those were free. I also had two coupons for 1 dollar off half gallons of tea. And, it was also a dollar, so those were also free. I needed some apple juice and rolls. Unfortunately, there was no coupon for the juice, and I didn't tell Amy I was going to get the rolls--I should have, she had a coupon and I could have saved another 60 cents!
So, for my first trip, I don't think I did too bad. That said, I would not recommend the Peach Tea.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 7:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Quick Trip to Smyrna
Well, my vacation is quickly coming to an end. I have a meeting tomorrow at the high school, and I think our first day back is August 13th. So, I have roughly a month left. Yes, I know, to everyone else who gets like 2 weeks vacation a year, I don't get much sympathy. But just remember, my job is like double the time. Alright, enough whining.
I'm actually looking more forward to going back this year than most. I am supposed to have two classes that I really enjoy teaching. I think I am going to have another student teacher, and if all goes well I should get a good student assistant. So what else has been going on?
On Friday I made a quick trip to Smyrna, Tennessee. I took the picture above while coming back into Nashville. I had some better ones, but for some reason the camera won't load those. The interstate doesn't look that busy but it was! Thanks for reading!
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 7:50 PM 4 comments
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Our New Swing
We sold our swing in the yard sale a few weeks ago. We have been looking for lawn furniture since then. We have looked at table and chair sets, lawn chairs and even a few swings. We could not find anything we liked at a price we liked.
Finally we found one at Lowe's that we liked and the price wasn't bad. We bought it. We were putting it together (well mostly Ryan was) and Ryan's dad stopped by our house. He offered to help put together the swing. It was so nice of him to do that. I know it would have taken us a lot longer if he would not have helped. Thank you Randy!
It is a very comfortable swing and our whole family can sit on it without anyone having to sit on the bar. I really like it.
Posted by Ryan and Amy at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Labels: House Stuff
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
The City of New Orleans
And the sons of engineers
Ride their father's magic carpets made of steel.
Mothers with their babes asleep,
Are rockin' to the gentle beat
And the rhythm of the rails is all they feel.


Posted by Ryan and Amy at 9:54 PM 0 comments