Thursday, September 04, 2008

Watching Governor Palin's Speech

It was quite a joy to watch John McCain's running mate give the speech of her life last night! When I first heard about his choice, I wasn't quite sure what to think. But after reading up on her, I don't think he could have picked a better candidate. She is strong, well spoken, and conservative! Yes, she has a few family issues, but my goodness, what American family doesn't? Who better to be a heart beat away from the President than a woman who can relate to everyday people! During her speech, I remember thinking, "This is exactly the type of role model I want for my three daughters!" Good luck, Sarah Palin, you've got my vote!


Becky said...

I couldn't agree more! I must admit, I've felt fairly ambivalent during much of this campaign season; but last night sealed the deal for me. What a spitfire of a woman. Great choice, McCain!