Sunday, July 13, 2008

Quick Trip to Smyrna

Well, my vacation is quickly coming to an end. I have a meeting tomorrow at the high school, and I think our first day back is August 13th. So, I have roughly a month left. Yes, I know, to everyone else who gets like 2 weeks vacation a year, I don't get much sympathy. But just remember, my job is like double the time. Alright, enough whining.

I'm actually looking more forward to going back this year than most. I am supposed to have two classes that I really enjoy teaching. I think I am going to have another student teacher, and if all goes well I should get a good student assistant. So what else has been going on?

On Friday I made a quick trip to Smyrna, Tennessee. I took the picture above while coming back into Nashville. I had some better ones, but for some reason the camera won't load those. The interstate doesn't look that busy but it was! Thanks for reading!


Deena said...

And you didn't stop by to say hello? On 24, you were about 7 minutes from my house at one point! :) teasing. I actually make trips to see mom and never visit ANYONE.

Anonymous said...

Should you really be taking pictures while your driving? Just Kidding. It is beautiful down there.

Ryan and Amy said...

Well, to be honest, it was not easy taking the pictures while I was driving. I just sorta held the camera up and snapped it. Most the them didn't come out.

Unknown said...

So how was the trip?