Friday, September 12, 2008

The Funny Things Kids Say

The other night I was putting the girls to bed. They sometimes have small arguments when they go to bed. They share a room and sometimes Callie gets on Cassidy's bed or Cassidy gets on Callie's bed. It is nothing really. I was tired and didn't want to listen to them argue. I told them if they couldn't get along, then I would have to separate them. (Of course, I was not sure how I would do that because the other bedroom is Chloe's.) Cassidy wanted to know how I was going to do that. I told her I don't know yet. Callie looked up with her sad eyes and said, "You are going to SALE us?" I quickly told her no and left the room. Cassidy understood what she said and was chuckling. I had to leave because I couldn't contain my laughter. It was not only what she said, but HOW she said it. After laughing a bit, I went back in and reassured her that I would NEVER sale her.

The girls are so funny. I know there have been many other funny things they have said and done. I am just so afraid I will forget them all. I just had to share this one.


Anonymous said...

Start a journal of the gems the girls say. Jot each one down after they say it. You will be glad you did when they are older. I wish I had done this.