Sunday, December 05, 2010

Sorry It has Been So Long!!

Sorry it has been so long since we have posted anything here. Life has just become so busy! This is a picture of the girls in their Halloween costumes!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Kitchen Remodel - May 26 Part 2

It has been a long time since we updated the progress on the kitchen. We have most of it done now, but I will show you the progress in the pictures over the next few days.

Here we have finished taking the old laundry/pantry out. The wall is gone. Already it has opened up the kitchen even more.

After finishing some of the demolition, it was nice to hang a few cabinets. Putting in a few cabinets really makes the kitchen look a lot better. I love the new cabinets.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Kitchen Remodel - May 26

We emptied the pantry closet. The girls were a big help.
It was finally time to start demolishing the wall. Cassidy and Callie wanted to get in on the action. They got to hit the wall with a hammer and try to get pieces of the drywall down.

I always thought knocking down a wall looked like fun when I saw it on tv. It was not as much fun as it looks. :)

Kitchen Remodel - May 25

On the first official day, we removed the cabinets above the stove and along the east wall.
We installed the corner cabinet and saw a glimpse of how the kitchen might look.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kitchen Remodel - Before

We recently started remodeling our kitchen. I thought I would share some before pictures. You can see the dark outdated cabinets. Our new cabinets are a lighted color. I will be sharing more pictures as the remodel progresses.

Chloe's First Haircut

Chloe is over 2 years old and has never had her hair cut. Last time I got my hair cut, I tried to have Chloe's cut, but she would not sit still. I decided to just trim it myself. Today, she was willing to sit on the stool and allow me to cut her hair.
Chloe is sitting still while I trim the back. I showed her the hair after I cut it off. She wasn't sure what to think about it. Doesn't she look pretty?

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Picture A Day - February 1

I wanted to start posting to the blog again, so I decided to take a picture every day in February and post it.
This is a picture of Cassidy & Callie watching TV before bed. They were very tired. I am not sure why Callie decided she needed to lay on Cassidy, but it made for a sweet picture.