Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Dog Problem... YOU VOTE -------------->

I have always been a dog lover. However, since moving into town, I have discovered that many people have little respect for their neighbors with regard to man's best friend. For example, several times I have found dog doodo in my front yard. How disrespectful is that? I'm just waiting for the day that I'm watching when someone who is walking their dog allows it to go in my yard without cleaning it up. I'm fairly certain there will be a scene that day.

That said, I have discovered another major problem in this area. Last night I got little sleep due to the excessive barking of my neighbor's dog. At about 5:00am I went outside to yell at the dog, hoping that my neighbor would hear me and take the hint. Unfortunately, I think it only made the problem worse. Many thoughts came to my mind as I lay there awake thinking about how to solve the problem. I came up with three ideas. In hopes of adding a little bit of interest in this, I thought I would give YOU, the reader, a chance to vote on the issue. Please cast your vote to the side, and then see what others are saying about the problem.


Anonymous said...

Ok I should say please don't do anything mean! The dog barking proably just wants some attention. Maybe you could talk to your neighbor about it. Just my idea!

Anonymous said...

a 4th option is to move back to the country.

Ryan and Amy said...

Nena...have you ever known me to do anything "mean?" Now, there were some negative thoughts that came to my mind, but I have no intention of acting on them. I've been reading my book from the smiling preacher!

Concerning "anonymous," it will take more than a barking dog to drive this country boy out of town.