Monday, November 20, 2006

Update on Callie

Callie is still fighting the sickness. There have been a couple of really bad days. Amy called the nurse at the doctor’s office today, and the nurse said that it seems like she is getting over the flu. If she is not totally better by Wednesday, she will go in to see the doctor. If she has another bad night, I think Amy will take her tomorrow regardless of what the nurse says. Dealing with a sick child is beyond stressful. When she was having the fever, it was evident she was trying to tell us what was wrong, but she just didn’t have the words. She just kept jabbering in her baby talk and saying Dahdahdahdah and Momamamama. It was so sad. The fever is all gone now, but she is still restless. Amy didn’t sleep much last night. I cooked supper tonight, and after my first day of really getting back to work (I have all the classes now) I am beat!

On a more positive note, we are supposed to have two good things happen tomorrow. The concrete guy is suppose to begin the work to pour out concrete for the driveway, and we are supposed to get high-speed internet hooked up. I will keep you posted on both of those fronts.

The picture above is a photo I took of Amy on Saturday night. We had just a few minutes while the kids were asleep, so that was our entertainment for the weekend. I transformed a room of our house into a make-shift studio. Years ago a friend of ours told us that if you take enough pictures, generally one or two will come out good. It is hit and miss, but I suppose he is right. Again, the resolution you are looking at does not give this picture justice, but I’m pleased with it.