Saturday, November 18, 2006

Couple of Pictures of Dad and Callie

Here a couple of pictures of Dad and Callie taken from this past week. Callie is trying to walk, but she still needs a lot of help. Last night Dad and Jeannie were supposed to watch the children for us, but Callie had a fever and was very fussy. This would have given Amy and I some much needed time by ourselves. Unfortunately, Callie came down with a fever, so we were unable to go out. When she is sick, she requires constant time with her mother. We will be asking for a rain check on that one.

Update: Callie is doing better today so far. We both think the fever is from her teething, but teething fevers are not supposed to get that high. Anyway, with her medicine, she is doing much better this morning.


Anonymous said...

Mr.Robinson... sorry to hear you and amy didnt get to spend time together im telling you give me a heads up and ill put ill request off and i can watch the long as i get to hear about puppy dog haha...hope you have a good weekend!