Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cassidy the Fire Fighter

Cassidy had a wonderful time at her party. Her costume was well received, with everyone making positive comments. After her party at school, all the kids went around to different rooms trick-or-treating. I happened to be having my planning period when the kids were downstairs in G-Building, so I was able to watch her for a while. It was neat to see the high school kids working so well with the little ones. I played the proud father part mentioning to everyone that walked by, “There’s my daughter.”

After school, we geared up for the evening to receive the neighborhood children. We had really debated as to weather or not we would hand out candy. I’m glad we did. Although I was rather hesitant to expose Cassidy to the scary costumes, she did really well. There was only one that bothered her, but we made sure to explain as best we could what was going on. The good outweighed the bad I suppose. As an added bonus, we got to visit with some of our friends who stopped by, and got to know our neighbors a little better. Amy and I took turns wearing a crazy hat, and I dressed in all black with an orange collar. Perhaps next year we will do something a little more crazy. If we pace it just right, we will really be acting like fools about the time our children begin to develop a natural embarrassment of their parents. Now that will be a great Halloween!

Special thanks to Dad for bringing by the extra candy. We used it all!