Monday, October 16, 2006

Thinking About Life On a Rainy Day

Today is a rainy day! Sometimes the rain makes me think about life. Most recently I have had more time than usual to ponder my thoughts. The reason? This semester I have enjoyed having a student teacher for my classes. Paige is an awesome teacher, and I will hate to see her leave. She has about two weeks left teaching all of my classes, and then it is back to work for Mr. Robinson.

So in this time, I have been thinking a great deal about life and the future. I’ve been asking myself what’s most important in life. I keep coming back to family. At the end of life for so many people, they rarely say they wish they had worked more. If they have any regrets, it is generally the wish that they had spent more time with their family. I am so incredibly blessed to have such a wonderful wife and children. Amy and I make sacrifices to spend time with our children. They are only little once, and even at that the time just seems to go by so quickly. Cassidy has turned from a toddler into a little girl overnight. It is amazing how quickly she has changed, even in just the last few weeks. And Callie is right behind her. Callie is starting to say a few words now, wave bye to people, and is crawling all over the place. Wow! Where is the baby going? Amy made the comment at the rummage sale that it is a little sad to get rid of the toys. The desire to hang on to that time is so strong. It’s been said before, but it really is like trying to hold onto sand as it slips through your fingers. One day they will grow up and leave the nest. I don’t want to have any regrets. I want to honestly be able to say, “I was there.” Every moment is so precious and priceless. These truly are the best days of my life.