Friday, October 27, 2006

Cards Win... Cards Win... Go Crazy Folks!!

There was a time in my life when I lived and died Cardinal baseball. In fact one of my fondest memories as a child was watching the Cardinals win the 1982 World Series. I remember that evening like it was yesterday. Bruce Sutter was pitching to Darrel Porter in the final inning. The last pitch came and I went wild! It sealed inside me a love for the game that would never go away.

But a lot would happen after that. Baseball would go through enough to make anyone question whether or not it was worth watching. The Pete Rose scandal, the steroids, the strikes, the outrageous ticket prices, and the even more outrageous salaries the ball players were making caused me to loose interest in major league baseball. I always loved the game, but it was as if the all American past time was being dragged down by the progress secular culture.

Tonight, however, in at least a small way, I relived a part of my childhood. Although I didn’t follow the Cardinals this year like I once did, I still felt the thrill of the Fall Classic. I remembered back to the greats like Tommy Herr, Willie McGee, and of course, Ozzie Smith. I remembered songs like Celebration, The Heat is On, and the announcing icons Jack Buck and Mike Shannon. Maybe those great days of Cardinal baseball are gone, but then again, those who can remember the 1960's Cardinals might have thought the same thing. Perhaps tonight will give birth to a new generation of Cardinal fans, and maybe, just maybe, renew some of the old ones.


Robley said...

1.) Cards are not cool!!! GO CUBBIES!!!!
2.) here is todays homework