Thursday, October 05, 2006

Saying Goodbye

We said “Goodbye” to our house yesterday. Amy took all the keys and garage door openers out to the people who bought the house. She said they seemed very happy to be moving in.

Leaving the house gives a somewhat somber feeling. A lot of memories were made in that house. It will forever have a special place in our hearts. When you build something it means more to you than when someone else builds it. Before I left I took one last long look at the structure. I remembered running all the wires in the house, hanging the drywall, putting up insulation, drilling the holes for pipes, etc. We lived in an apartment for while during the building phase. It was Christmas time, and I listed to a lot of Christmas songs on the radio when I would go out and work on the house. I worked a lot on the yard too. Planted grass seed, trees, etc. Many hours were spent on the tractor tilling up the dirt.

Of course, there are things that I won’t miss about being at that house. The grass on each side of us was allowed to grow ten feet high, and the neighbors hated me (mostly for calling the police on them). The road was terrible to try to push a stroller down, and getting out on the highway in the morning was a lengthy affair. But the good always outweighed the bad.

So goodbye. Sorry I don’t have a picture to put with this post, but most of you know what the place looked like, and probably had some good memories there too. Look for some pictures in the future.