Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Packing Up

I thought I would give an update on our moving. Amy and I have spent a considerable amount of time cleaning out the attic and the bonus room. I think this time we have really learned our lesson about keeping stuff that we never use. Basically, we have hung onto stuff for years that just sits up in the attic. Things like old trophies, records, clothes from high school, etc. Once we get to our new house, we plan to have a rummage sell to finally get rid of most of it. What we can’t sell, we will donate to someone or someplace. Really, when we make the decision to finally do away with those items, we rarely regret it. There is a lot of freedom in keeping only the things we use. That is our goal.

We hope to finish the attic and bonus room tonight. That entails moving the final boxes and stuff down to the garage. The garage is already almost ¼ full of boxes. The office is completely boxed up and ready to move, and the utility room is getting closer.

The closing date for our new house is this Thursday, so we hope to go in and clean Thursday and Friday night. Saturday and Sunday we will begin moving all the little stuff that Amy and I can manage. I think we are going to borrow my dad’s truck and trailer. Then, on Monday, we are having a moving company come to move all the big stuff. There was a time in my life when I would have looked at a moving company as a waste of money, but the older I get the less I like breaking my back. I’m still in good shape, but you are just tempting fate when you spend hours lifting heavy objects when you are not used to doing that.

So that is about it. Just moving and looking forward to the new house and area. I think we are going to finally get high speed internet, so that will be nice.