Sunday, September 10, 2006

Lest We Forget...

Tomorrow marks the five year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I will never forget where I was at during that terrible day. Having just made it to school, I overheard two teachers in the hallway talking. At that point, one of the towers had been hit, and many people were thinking it might have been an accident. I then heard someone say, no two planes hit the towers. I quickly turned on the television to see the burning buildings. I and the teacher across the hall watched in horror. I saw the buildings come down, and wondered what else would happen that day. I remember putting all the information on the board for my students and updating it as news became available. When my first class came in, most of them had not heard about it. I remember the looks on their faces as I did the best I could to explain to them the situation, realizing that none of us could fully grasp how terrible this event was.

In the days that followed, I was proud to see our country come together the way it did. For a brief moment in time, we all felt like brothers and sisters. We prayed for each other, cried for people we did not know, and leaned on one another. We learned that America can still pull together if it needs to. We cheered for the firefighters who gave their lives to save others. We heard about the bravery of those aboard flight 93, who took destiny into their own hands with the words, “Let’s Roll.” There were so many stories of so many people. The pentagon, the police. They were all heroes in every aspect of the term, and we must never forget the price they paid.


Anonymous said...

I will never forget that morning. I was still at my old school, Blue Ridge in Farmer City, Mansfield, and Bellflower. I was getting on the bus that morning which was never quiet but that morning all you heard was the radio on CNN or something. I already knew that something big must have happened because you could never hear the radio. I got to the back of the bus where my best friend, Lindsey, was at and she was crying and was tring to explaint to me what was happening. When we got to school everyone was really quiet and just silently walked to ouor classrooms. When me and Lindsey got to ours, we were the first ones there, we saw our teacher with the TV on, which she never ever has on, and crying. Our entire class was silent that entire morning while we watched the World Trade Centers get hit and fall. I was only in 6th grade so I wasn't fully understanding what was going on. Now I am a Junior and I understand completly what a tradgedy that day was. And God willing it will be one that will never be repeated.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing that Robley. I would be interrested to hear what other people have to say. Where were you at on 9/11?

Mr. Robinson

Anonymous said...

I sugest anyone who wants to know the truth of 9-11, search "Loose Change 2nd cut" On video search, I did not beleive it at all at first, and stood by my president, but once you watch it, it WILL shock you. I'm going to tell as many people as I can, these truths must be known. I urge you to at least watch the video, please.


Ryan and Amy said...

Wow, I can't believe I wasted 10 minutes of my life watching that video. My time would have been much better spent watching Fox News.

Anonymous said...

you watched the wrong video, the one I was talking about is an hour and 29 min.


Ryan and Amy said...

I don't know if I watched the right video or not, but I could only stand 10 minutes of it. The one I watched was called "Who Killed John O'Neill." It kept asking the question over and over and over at the beginning. I'm pretty sure it was one of the many conspiracy theory videos put up by the extreme liberal left wing, who wants to convince the public that our government is really at fault for 9/11. John O'Neill was a former government official who disagreed with the Bush administration. Who killed him? I can answer that real quick: 19 terrorists.

Anonymous said...

Who some of which are still alive, look it up
