Thursday, March 30, 2006

A Lot Happened

I thought I would take a moment to record some of my thoughts over the past several days. I don’t usually get this personal with this blog, but this might be a little personal.

The last few days have been hard. I lost a good friend who I have known for many years. I watched a husband say goodbye to his wife, a daughter say goodbye to her mother, and I watched my friends cry. Through it all, I was totally amazed by how strong they all were. Amazed to the extent that I felt guilty for not being stronger myself.

I have learned some valuable lessons over the last few days, and I think I will share them here. First off, I have learned that I need to appreciate those I love a little more than I do. I’ve learned that life is short, and how I live my life will make an impact on someone else. That friends are really important, and sometimes they surprise you. I’ve learned that sometimes I am too quick to judge people, and that people really do change for the better. I learned that what bothers me most about others are usually the things that bother me most about myself, and that I really hate to admit this. And I’ve learned that some people who I didn’t like in the past, are in reality, pretty good, descent people.

I’ve learned that you may only know how strong something is when it is put under pressure. This is especially true with people and friendships.

I’ve learned many doctors, nurses, and other hospital personnel really do care.

I’ve learned that a good Christians can undergo the worst this world can dish out, and still keep their head held high.

I think I’ve also learned some things about God the past few days. I’ve learned that it does not help to pretend, even for a moment, that God does not exist. I’ve learned that God is Sovereign, and sometimes there is nothing we can do to change his mind. I’ve learned that sometimes it doesn’t matter how much I pray, or what I say when I pray. And I’ve learned that there will be things in this life, that I just don’t understand, and if I’m able, I will one day ask God “Why?”

I’ve learned that a good church, and a good pastor are priceless, and that my church has the resources to help people when they need it the most.

Finally, I’ve learned some other odd, almost silly things. Stuff like, it really does help to bite your tongue to keep from saying something that you may later regret. And that you don’t ask people, “How are you doing? at a funeral...DUH!!.” That I can drive 90 through St. Louis traffic, but I can’t find my way around a hospital. That two men were never meant to sleep together in the same bed, even if they’re both Christians. And that good customer service is worth paying for. Finally, I’ve learned that I should talk less, and listen more, and that it’s okay to admit that I don’t always win.


Ryan and Amy said...

test to see if comments work