Sunday, March 25, 2007

Another Sunday Post

This was probably one of the best weekends we have had in a long time. On Friday night, Dad stopped by and spent some time with the kids. Saturday morning Amy went to rummage sales. This was her first chance to do that this year. She really enjoys is. I (Ryan) helped hang orange ribbons around town in support of the new school. Also on Saturday, Haley came over to watch the kids while Amy and I spent some time together cleaning the car. Saturday evening, Paige came over to have me look over her resume. I cooked hamburgers on the grill and we all ate together. Sunday morning we all went to church, and then out to eat with Nena and Gary. We went to a wonderful little place in Fairfield called Buffalo Country. I had the Buffalo, and it was okay. Sunday afternoon, we went out to look at Dad’s pontoon boat, and then came back here to enjoy time together and the wonderful weather!

Random Thoughts and Pieces of Thoughts:

There is a lot on my mind these days. I’m worried about the referendum. Many of the people I talk to are very optimistic, but I’m rather concerned.

There is potentially something big that I can’t talk about right now.

There is just something really strange with too many of my relationships with old friends.

We have great neighbors, I just wish I could become closer to them.