Sunday, July 30, 2006

Lots to Catch Up On

Wow, it has been forever since we have written anything. Let me first start by answering Alisha’s question, “Are you ready for school to start?”

Well, to be quite honest, I’m not really looking forward to the start of school this year. I have been given a rather difficult teaching assignment, which promises to add some challenges to my life. Of course, I have always been apt at turning lemons into lemonade, and I don’t see a reason why this should be any different. But other than that, I do look forward to the routine. Thanks for asking the question Alisha, and thanks for reading the blog. For anyone else who reads on a regular basis, I’m sorry that I have not been updating. There has just been so much going on.

Which brings me to what all has been going on. Well, to begin with, I’m sure everyone out there is still recovering from the biggest storm most of us have ever seen. Wow, was that weird or what? Fortunately, we did not have much damage. The picture above is of Cassidy standing in front of a tree in our yard that was hit. Quite honestly, while the entire event was taking place, I really thought I was in a tornado. Amy and the children were on their way home from town, and I was pretty sure they had made it home, but I was stuck. Thankfully, I had the jeep and was thus able to navigate the treacherous terrain of downed trees and power lines on the highway. To the best of my knowledge, I was the only one who made around those 4 or 5 big trees blocking the several mile strip from town. All you jeep lovers will appreciate that!

Then we had to deal with the power being out for quite a while. That really makes one appreciate modern technology!

What else? Well, this summer has brought several possibilities for us. Unfortunately, some of them have not really worked out. First off, I had a real shot at an administrative position at another school. In the end, I decided that working more and making less was a poor choice. Then, Amy and I had the chance to move away and work in a ministry for abused/neglected children. That position held a lot of promise, but it just didn’t seem right. Perhaps in the future. Finally, we have put our house up for sale. I will write more about this later.

So, back to school in a few weeks! Wow, “It Was a Short Summer Charlie Brown!”