Thursday, July 20, 2006

Finally Fixed the Storm Shelter

Well, we finally got our storm shelter fixed, or should I say done away with. The person who had built the house had the idea to put a storm shelter under the porch, with an access from inside the house. Not a total bad idea, but it leaked. Long, long story short, we had the shelter filled in with gravel. Now, all that is left is to take up the carpet in that area and put down something better. The place that we bought our kitchen floor still had some hard wood left, so I think we will just go with that.

Above is a picture of all of us and one of Callie. We took the first picture by setting the camera to take one by itself, and then all jumping on the couch. Not too bad for that.

There has not been a lot we have been able to write about here lately. I guess you could call this the dog days of Summer. We did show our house to the realtors the other day, and they were all very impressed. Unfortunately, we have not had much interest as of yet. We are going to give it a little longer, and then lower the price a bit. I realize ranch style houses are not what a lot of people want. After living in several houses, ranch style is by far the best for us at this point in our lives.


Anonymous said...

Mr.Robinson are you excited for school to start?? haha im not!! couple more days and we register summer goes to fast ill come see you on registration day if your there.. see ya soon