Thursday, February 16, 2006

What's In a Name

Things are going good so far this week. Cassidy has been a little under the weather. Today was a really warm day for February, but it is supposed to be extremely cold the next few days. Cassidy and Amy went to Chuckie Cheese on Tuesday. These are the last few times that it will be just the three of us, so we are trying to do all we can. Life is about to change, but with each closing chapter, a new one opens.

Pregnancy Update

Due Date: March 9th
Current Week of 40 Total: Week 37 Day 0
Next Doctor’s Appointment: February 21st

Everything at Amy's doctor's appointment last time went fine. Things with the pregnancy are going good. The biggest problem, however, is deciding on a name. Right now, the possibilities are (1) Callie, (2) Laura, or (3) Tayla. Neither one of us are really leaning towards any of these names. This is such a big decision. The middle name we have picked out is Renee. All of this goes out the window, of course, if the baby happens to be a boy. In that case, the name will most likely be Toby James.