Thursday, February 02, 2006

Difficult Choice

Amy and I had to make a somewhat difficult choice regarding a small position in church leadership. For those of you who read this, I thought you might be interested in our explanation.

Back in December an announcement was made at church that the church was looking for people to host small groups. Since we have both hosted and led small groups in the past, both of us were looking forward to the chance to work in this ministry. We didn’t hear much about this until recently, when we were sent a letter asking us to attend a meeting regarding our role. After attending the meeting we have decided that it would be best for us not to host one of these groups at this time. I really hate it that we signed the sheet and then backed out, but after the informational/organizational meeting, we really felt this is what we must do. We both hope to work in this ministry in the future.

Not a whole lot else is going on right now. We will write later to give an update on the pregnancy.