Sunday, December 11, 2005

Technology...gotta love it!

Here is a an ultrasound picture of our new baby. Amy is due in March. And another picture of Cassidy and me (Ryan) in the snow. We had lots of snow, but it is all melting off today.

Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. For the most part, this is true. However, all too often we find that instead of owning our little technological toys, they, in fact, own us. Case in point; A friend of mine teaches a Sunday School class (hi Fred). He has asked me to help out with running the screen projector and DVD he uses. Without fail, every Sunday morning we are faced with a seemingly insurmountable task of fixing a new technological problem. Sometimes it is a button that we neglected to turn on, sometimes one we forgot to turn off. Sometimes a cable is not all the way plugged into the back of the computer. Sometimes the computer must be restarted, sometimes it won’t read the disk, and nearly always, the little black box has to be turned back ON to turn out the lights at the end (and I always think, “why don’t they go off when I turn the box off the first time?”). On the other hand, technology produced this wonderful scull-like picture of my our new baby above. Wow, I hope she looks better than that when she gets here. I'm sure she will!

Hmmm..what else is going on. Went to lunch with my cousin Chris on Friday—one of the better parts about teaching is that you get “snow days.” Yeah! And we had a wonderful time with our friends Bobby and Janice at lunch today. And tonight, we are going to see "The Lion the Wich and the Wardrobe." I read that book when I was like 9 or 10. Looking forward to seeing the movie! That’s about all in our world!


Anonymous said...

I enjoy your insight into the world of tech gear. Once again thanks a million for helping me out with the class.
God bless and keep.
Fred Mooney

Anonymous said...

Oh, it was no problem, and I enjoyed it. I have always enjoyed working with you, and I'm sure we will do something together again in the future. Sorry the video didn't work today.

