Monday, December 26, 2005

1083 People

This is the post I was trying to post yesterday, but the computer simply would not work! Again... technology!

Today is Christmas day! A lot I could probably write about. We had a wonderful time opening gifts with Cassidy this morning. We decided to not do the Santa Clause tale with her. Basically, if she picks that up on her own, we will not tell her any different unless she asks. However, we have read the story of Saint Nicholas to her, and I think that even at three she understands. Some people asked her this year if Santa was going to bring her gifts. She just looked at them funny, and said, “No, Mommy and Daddy are getting me gifts.” Before we opened gifts this morning, we read the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke. We explained to Cassidy that the reason we give gifts is celebrate the birth of Jesus, who was God’s greatest gift to mankind. Not sure she understands it all now, but she will.

On Friday night we went to the Christmas program at Orchardville. Wow! There were 1083 people there! They had people outside parking cars! We got there about 15 minutes early, and were almost not able to sit together. We could not find two seats next to each other. Finally, some people in a whole role scooted down so we could set together when they realized we were sitting apart. The program was amazing. I still can hardly believe what this church can do. I am glad to be part of it. Only wish it were closer.

What else is going on? Not much really. Finished up the semester. Glad to have these days off. When I think about all the time I get to spend with my family, I am really glad I went into education. That is about it. To anyone who is reading this, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!