Sunday, December 18, 2005

More Tech Problem and Narnia!

Well, I had another fit with technology again today. Wouldn’t you know it, on the last day of the Sunday school class, we were not able to get the screen projector to work. I put the disk in, had it set, and once we were ready, it simply did not work. So I restarted the program, and still nothing. The program kept telling me it was not responding, and asking me if I wanted to send an error report. What a deal!

In other events, we watched The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe last Sunday night. It was great! I read that book when I was younger, and even then was able to see the symbolism. Now, I saw it so much more. The part that really stuck with me was when the kid betrayed his family for sweets. I had to wonder, is that what it is like when we sin? Are we, in a sense, betraying The Kingdom of God for nothing more than a moment of pleasure? If we could see it from the outside, from God’s point of view, it would be much the same I do believe.

On the way home, Amy and I had a very good discussion about the movie. I have a very unique view on life, as some of you may know. I tend to think that the very fact that we are able to image something, somehow, some way, proves that it is possible. Let me give an example. Years ago, Gene Rodenberry created a show called Star Trek. In the original series, Captain Kirk often uses what looks a lot like today’s cell phone to call the Enterprise (i.e. “Scotty, beam me up!”). I could go on and on proving this, but my point here is that, is it in some way possible, that a land something like Narnia really exists. Not just in our imagination, but for real. Perhaps in another dimension, perhaps in a parallel universe. Maybe it is somewhat like what Heaven will be like. I know this sounds strange, but maybe, just maybe, there are real Centaurs, and real Fauns. And real creatures that we cannot even dream of. Watching that movie, I had the same feeling I that I got when I first read the book…the feeling that I had perhaps been to that place…a long, long time ago. Maybe, if it were possible, a time before I was born. The feeling that…I belonged in that place. That it was my real home, and someday I would return. I kno