Sunday, June 15, 2008

Busy Summer

The rummage sale is finally over! Yeah, we made it through it. Now comes the tasks of fixing up the house, taking care of the yard, and doing all of the other normal summer activities. I think I have a couple of yards to mow in the neighborhood, so that should also help to keep me busy.

Tonight I installed two fans just under the eve on our back patio. I'm hoping that Amy and I can enjoy some quality time out there after the kids go to bed. The patio is nice at night, but the mosquitoes are terrible. I've heard they are not very good fliers, so hopefully I can blow them away.

That's most of what's going on right now. A special "THANK YOU" to Briannah (one of my former students) for watching the kids for us during the rummage sale! They had a blast!