Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Chloe Smiling

I thought I would post another picture of Chloe. She is smiling just a little bit in this picture. It is so special when she grins at you. Her whole face lights up. I can't wait to hear her first giggles. I have heard her a couple of times when she was asleep, but I want to hear her giggle at us. I am sure with Cassidy and Callie as her sisters, she will have a lot to laugh at.

The other day I remember the first time Callie giggled. We were at JC Penny and Cassidy was trying on flip flops. Callie just looked at her and laughed. She thought it was funny. I hope I always remember these times.


Unknown said...

She is so precious!

Deena said...

I keep a journal for each child where I write down this type of thing. Less gets written down now, but still big stuff... oops, have I written down the lost teeth?...