Friday, April 07, 2006

Stressed Out?

I went to the nurse's office at school today and had them check my blood pressure. Once again I was told I had high blood pressure. I keep thinking that one of these days I will have it checked and the nurse or doctor will say, "Looks good." Then, I will never have to have it checked again. Just kidding.

Does stress cause high blood pressure? I work in a stressful environment. I just finished taking two stress tests and they both said things like, "High susceptibility to stress-related illness," and "Take care of it now before a serious illness erupts or an affliction becomes worse," and "Get help!" But I've always been a nervous, yet driven person. Hmmm, how is one to change? Do I even want to change? I'm only at "Stage 1 Hypertension." I don't want to take medicin, and there are so many variables that I just don't feel like I can change. Hmmm, lots to think about.