Sunday, April 23, 2006

Events of the past week and misc. stuff

This past week brought many different feelings with it. Tuesday was the first day back from Spring break, so I was excited to begin my classes again. That day was wonderful. The students appeared interested, and the material we were studying was my most liked subject--astronomy. All that began to subside around Wednesday, and by Friday I was once again scanning the job market for possible openings at other schools, and even thinking about changing careers. What a difference only a few days can make!

I attended the visitation of a friends family member this past week. It was another reminder of the brevity of life.

Saturday I spent all day working outside trying to get my square foot gardens ready for a viewing. In other words, I had to make them look as presentable as possible because friends would be coming over on Sunday and would most likely see them. By the end of the day, I was totally worn out! Saturday night was really fun. We all went to trivia night at the church. Due in part to a slow turnout, our team really had a chance to win. However, we just couldn’t pull it out. Maybe next year!

Sunday’s service was awesome. Several people came forward to dedicate their lives to Christ. The church was full! The music was good, and the preaching was great! Sunday afternoon, Bobby, Faith, Nena, Gary, Fred, and Kitty all came over for lunch. We had a great time with our friends, and everyone seemed to like the gardens.

Things to look forward to:

1. Only 26 more days of school left!
2. I think I still have a personal day I can take.
3. In May I will begin playing bass guitar with one of the praise team’s at church.
4. Also in May, I will begin team teaching the teen Sunday school class

My mind is preoccupied with the following questions...

1. Should we sell the house? This was the original plan.
2. Should I sell the jeep? It still has value, and I’m liking it less and less.
3. Should I seriously consider changing jobs?
4. If we keep the house, should I get chickens? Maybe a rabbit?
5. Should I do anything about my high blood pressure?
6. What is the future of public education?
7. Why do I fight depression so much?
8. What will happen with the economy over the next few years?
9. What is going to happen in Iraq?
10. Why am I singing the “Tootsie Roll” song at this moment (Whatever it is I think I see, becomes a Tootsie Roll to me)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ryan, now it's going through my head. And, seriously, "all things work together for the good of those who love Him". Have a good week and tell your family hello.