Monday, September 12, 2005

Heavily Leaning Towards Orchardville

On Sunday we visited Orchardville for the third time. Once again we had a wonderful experience. Quite honestly, we were unsure weather we would visit there again Sunday or not. The final decision was not made until the turn off of route 15 came up. It was either make the turn, or keep going and be really early to another church that we have visited.

For those of you who read this, sorry I did not post on Sunday afternoon like usual. It was a really good day. After church we went to some wonderful friends house to have tacos and brownies. They were both incredible!

So where are we at in our decision? We have come to believe that Orchardville has so much for Cassidy. At the present time, this is weighing heavily in our decision. Plus, we enjoy the music, the preaching, and I think we could both become involved in ministry there. The only problem is that I am just not “feeling” the confirmation that I want to feel. I’ve come to believe that major decisions should not really be based on our “feelings.” So when it comes down to it, we will make our decision based on sound logic, but I really wish that confirmation feeling would present itself.

Orchardville offers a wonderful Sunday School class for new attendees. It is called the “Let’s Get Acquainted” class. The class runs for a few weeks, and then starts over again. We got in on the last class, and have been catching up. I believe we have one or two more Sundays left in the class. I’ve been told that anyone who wants to become involved is strongly encouraged to complete this class. Our current plan is to go ahead and finish up this class.

At that point, I think we will visit Church of the Harvest at least one more time. That is the only other church that seems like it might be for us. Hopefully this journey is coming closer to an end.


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that Garry and I are going to be in nursery for Sunday School again if you want to bring Cassidy! She did great on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Some time you might considering stopping by Oville on a Sun. or Wed. night. It's a good way to meet people.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know Nena. We were both really happy that Cassidy stayed and had a good time. Thank you so much. We will probably be there again on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

That is good advice Bobby.