Sunday, August 07, 2005

Nazarene Church

This morning we visited the Nazarene Church. We felt very welcome, and everyone seemed nice. However, once again we left with the strong sensation that this is totally NOT the church we are to attend. Sometimes I just wish that God would show us before we visited so that we did not have to go through everything. Believe it or not, visiting churches can cause a fair amount of anxiety.

For the first time, we are now both entertaining the possibility of going back to (or should I say, “staying at”) the church we were at before we began this journey. The biggest problem is that we are not happy there. Unfortunately, we’re beginning to think that we are not going to be happy anywhere. Maybe we are trying to find the “perfect” church, and maybe that just simply does not exist.

Here are our options at this point:

  1. Keep looking for the church we feel at home at, even if that means driving a long way.
  2. Go back to the first church.
  3. Forget the whole thing, stay at home and watch Joel Osteen, and wait for God to bring something our way.

Honestly, we have absolutely no idea what to do, and we are getting very frustrated.


Anonymous said...

Haven't seen you at Church of the Harvest. Our pastors are
on vacation right
now, but this coming Sunday (Aug 14) we have a good guest
speaker, and the
following week Mr. Craig Clark will be speaking. We have
some good things
going on there and we would love for you to come see us,
even if only for
one visit!


Ryan and Amy said...

Well thank you very much for the invite. We just might take you up on that. I would love to hear Craig speak again; it has been a long time.
