Sunday, December 09, 2007

Looking Ahead

From time to time I think it important for people to revisit their goals and those things they wish to accomplish in life. As many of you know, this process has nearly become a lifestyle for me. It’s really not a healthy way to live, but deep down inside neither I nor Amy are satisfied. This became strikingly apparent this morning while I was changing my mother’s tire in the cold, pouring down rain. It wasn’t that I cared to change her tire, or even really that it was horrible weather. Without vilifying her, let me just say there are problems that surround our relationship that I don’t think will ever be solved. They get worse as time passes, and to be honest, the future doesn’t look good in that area.

Amy and I had a long talk today. We both agree that Mt. Vernon is heading down the wrong path. Of course there is tremendous potential here, but how long should we wait? The way things are right now, I don’t want my kids to grow up here. When you combine that with family problems, the negative experiences we have had with churches here, and the lack of solid relationships we have, it would sound pretty easy to just up and move someplace better.

That’s easy to say, right? But when it comes down to it, it’s just not quite that simple. Today we tried to think of the steps it would take for us to move. First off, we would have to have a job someplace else. But where would we start looking? I think I could get a teaching or administrative job someplace else in the country, but how do you decide what a good community is in which to raise your children? Searching the internet gets tiresome. I know what we are looking for, but I just don’t think the perfect place exists.

We do have good things here. We like our house and our neighborhood. We really like our neighbors. Amy can homebound tutor for the high school, and the positive family relationships that we do have are here. I am thankful to have a decent paying job here, and as I said before, there is a ton of potential.

So, I guess the question becomes, does the good outweigh the bad? And how long should we wait for things to get better? If I had to guess today, I think I would say that at some point we will venture away to greener pastures. Life is just too short. I think we should live it to your fullest potential. Thanks for reading!


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