Saturday, May 13, 2006

Two More Weeks of School Left!

So what has been going on this week? Well, this is truly the busiest time of the year. With school getting close to the end, I have a ton of things to do, and just not enough time to get them all done. I did find time this week for Survivor Night at Bobby’s house. That was exciting. And Amy and I went to look at fire pits. I know, doesn’t sound that interesting. Today (Saturday) was the men’s conference at the church. To be honest, I wasn’t looking forward to it too much. I probably would not have went, but I was asked to help with praise and worship (bass guitar), so I ended up going. I was really glad I did. The speakers were really good, and the topics were good. The food was great! All in all, a rather enjoyable experience.

Amy and the children are spending the day with Nena and Faith. They were planning on going to the science center. They wanted to go to the zoo, but the weather is just terrible.

What else? Hmmm, Cassidy scored a perfect 100% on her pre-school screening the other day. We were happy about that. Of course, anything less would have been unacceptable (just kidding).

I’ve included a couple of pictures from the square foot gardens. The weather has been terrible, so they don’t look that good. Again, I hope to have more pictures in the future. Our connection speed at home is just so slow, it seems like it takes forever just to load these small ones.

People keep asking me what I am going to do this summer. The question is usually something like this, “So, what are you going to do with all your time off?” It is usually in a rather condescending tone of voice, which makes me want to say, “Probably sit on the couch and watch soap operas all day.” At that point I generally explain to them how I get laid off for 10 weeks, and how lucky they are to have a job that is not so seasonal. In actuality, I plan on working hard to get by blood pressure back to normal. Not that teaching causes high blood pressure, but stress does. I’m hoping for a stress-free summer. Yeah right!

Added: Here is a snake picture... dad didn't want to see it


Anonymous said...

Your garden is looking pretty good! I can't wait till we can actually get something from ours!