Monday, January 02, 2006

Last Day of Break

Can you believe it is this warm on January 2?

Today was the last day of the Christmas break (a.k.a. the “Non-Specific Holiday Break” for all the Liberal Atheists). It was a truly marvelous day! We woke up early, and then Amy noticed how unseasonable warm it was outside.

We went for a walk, and then I (Ryan) decided to call my cousin Chris to see if he had lunch plans. It turned out that he was also off today, so we all decided to go together to Fazoli’s. We had a good lunch, and great conversation. His children are really getting big. Wow, time goes fast.

Speaking of which, its back to school tomorrow. Not sure I’m ready for the new semester, but it is coming, ready or not!

We are deciding to put a section called Pregnancy Update on the blog. Now, anyone who is interested can have first hand knowledge of where we are at, so here goes:

Pregnancy Update

Due date: March 9th
Current Week of 40 total: Week 30, day 5
Next Doctor’s Appointment: January 11th

Progress: Nothing major to report. Amy has had a couple of Braxton Hicks contractions, but this is expected. It was scary the first go around, but not this time. Everything else is going good.

Finally, here are some more pictures of the day. Below is the approaching storm, followed by some pictures of Ryan, Amy, and Cassidy. Thanks for reading!