Saturday, March 08, 2008

Sleepy Callie

We are all adjusting good to having a new baby. Amy and I have done this twice before, so it is really nothing new. In fact, I would have to say that it is really much easier this time. Cassidy and Callie are dealing with some jealousy issues, but that is probably to be expected. They both seem to be requiring a lot more attention all of a sudden. They want to be held all the time, and just seem to be pretty needy.

The picture above is of Amy in the chair with all the children! After they all go to sleep, it is my job to move each of them. I guess this will work for a while, but at some point we will need to change routines.

Speaking of sleeping, here is a pretty funny video of a very sleepy Callie baby! Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

See Here or Here

Becky said...

That video of Callie is HILARIOUS!!! That could become one of those famous You Tube favorites! "Are you tired Callie?" "No....."

BTW... you can turn on a feature where, if users want to publish a comment, they have to fill in one of those things that asks you what letters appear. It might cut down on these spammers who keep leaving comments on the blog.

Hope you both are doing well!