Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Orchardville It Is

It looks like for now that we will make Orchardville church our home. I wish I could say that we both feel an overwhelming peace about this decision. However, we do not feel "drawn" to any church in particular. Orchardville seems like a very logical place to be for several reasons. Perhaps God has another place for us somewhere down the road. But until that time comes, it would be best to stay in a place that we can be fed spiritually, and grow in the Lord. That is not to say that we will not be faithful at Orchardville. We plan to support the church with our time, talent, and treasure to the best of our abilities.

"Thank you" to anyone out there who actually reads this blog. And if you said a prayer for our journey, thank you for that as well. As of now, we still plan to update the blog on a weekly basis if possible. Please comment if you have the chance.