Sunday, January 15, 2006

Good Weekend

This has been a good weekend. Yesterday we visited our friend Janice who is in the hospital. Amy had really been wanting to go see her. They got to spend a good amount of time together, and Cassidy played with their little girl.

Today I (Ryan) taught the teen Sunday School class. It went well. We are going to do a basic study on appologetics (defending your faith).

Pregnancy Update

Due date: March 9th
Current Week of 40 total: Week 32, day 4
Next Doctor’s Appointment: January 22

Progress: Not much to report. The doctor's appointment went fine. The baby has turned with her head pointed down. This is good. Amy is having a good amount of discomfort. She says the baby keeps feeling like she is really pushing against her rib cage. The baby is moving quite a bit. We still have no name picked out. Tossing around "Tayla" right now.