Saturday, January 07, 2006

Good Week

This past week was good, and today was a good day. If you are reading this you probably notice that we are only getting around to posting about once a week right now. I (Ryan) began the second semester with my students this week. Things went pretty good. My classes are mostly the same, and they are all pretty much good classes. I had to get onto a student pretty hard the first day, but I think we are going to get along…sent one girl into the hall for her attitude, but other than that nothing very eventful. There was meeting that I wish I had gone to concerning getting a new high school. We really need a new school, but apparently there are those that are very much against it.

We got most of the baby stuff down from the attic today, and set up the crib and changing table. Hmmm, not sure I remember how to make a bottle. Is it one scoop of formula, or two? Amy will have to train me on that again. Are we ready to do this again? It has got to be better this time. The first go around was rather difficult--big learning curve.

Today was warm enough again to go outside for a while. Cassidy wanted to pick up acorns and hickory nuts and put them in a bucket. I’m not sure why, but she did, so that is what we did for a while. I (Ryan) played with her and the ball for a quite sometime outside. I also cooked some incredible pork-chops on the grill. I know everyone thinks I’m crazy, but what I do is go around a pick up big sticks that have fallen from the trees, star a fire with them, and then add a couple of big oak logs onto it. Once it has burned for a long time, I cook the meat over the coals. This gives them a great taste. Much better than gas or even charcoal. It takes forever, but they are worth the wait. Of course, you smell like smoke when you are done, but oh well.

We still have not decided on a baby name.

Pregnancy Update

Due date: March 9th
Current Week of 40 total: Week 31, day 3
Next Doctor’s Appointment: January 11th

Progress: Again, nothing major to report. Amy has not mentioned anymore Braxton Hicks contractions. She is getting really tired these days, and really starting to feel the pregnancy. The baby moves around quite a bit, and Cassidy keeps wanting to feel her move.