Sunday, January 29, 2006

Beautiful Sunday

It was a really nice day today. Another unseasonably warm day for January. This sure has been a weird Winter so far. I might guess that we will pay for it, either with a strong cold spell in February or March, or a very hot Summer. But then again, it was just Summer before last that we were not able to swim in our little Wall Mart pool because it was so cold. Down below we have some pictures that we took outside today.

We had a good church service today, with Layton Howerton. He is really talented. You can view his website at After that, we had a really long meeting for people who are interested in hosting Care Groups. It seems like it was months ago when we expressed interest in this. After the meeting we are trying to decide if this is what we really want to do. I have just about been talked out of it. Amy and I have hosted small group meetings in our home on and off for the past several years. Yes it is challenging, but generally rewarding. We both left the meeting a little disapointed.

What has been going on this week. Not much really. I (Ryan) helped Bobby make a video for the youth group at church. It went rather smoothly. I also taught Sunday School again today, and that went well. Amy and I both have been feeling the blues to some extent. For me, it is mostly seasonal, and I know that with Spring it will get a lot better. We talk a lot about moving someplace that stays sunnier in the Winter, and warmer year round. It would be really difficult to make that jump right now.

That reminds me of a website I have been reading recently. It can be found at It talks a lot about making changes in your life. Amy and I both have this feeling that there is something much better out there for us. Getting there is the tough part. The website talks about making the decision to change the path you are on. I want that so bad for our life. In all honesty, I want to raise our daughters someplace that has better schools. We don’t have bad schools here, just mediocre ones. I want the best for my children. The progress of this area is at a snail’s pace. Oh well, enough on the negative side.

What else, hmmmmm. Well, that is enough rattling for now. Perhaps the next post will be a little more coherent, and a little more positve. Thanks for reading!

Pregnancy Update

Due Date: March 9th
Current Week of 40 Total: Week 34 Day 4
Next Doctor’s Appointment: February 8th

Progress: According to the last doctor’s report, everything is normal. Amy continues to have pain from the baby pushing in weird positions. We do not remember this happening last time. I (Ryan) also notice that Amy seems more ready for the baby to get here at this time in the pregnancy than she did last time. I still don’t feel prepared, but then again, I’m not sure you can ever be fully prepared for this. We still have no name picked out.