Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday Afternoon

I thought I would take a moment and mention some of the things that have been going on in our lives recently. Yesterday I (Ryan) helped put up orange ribbon across the town as a campaign to get out the “Yes” vote for the upcoming April 17th bond referendum for a new high school. We really need a new school. During the morning, I got to catch up with a friend from the band days.

Today, Cassidy and I played outside for a while. It was colder than had wished. I keep thinking Spring is here, but we are still getting cold weather. Maybe this is the last of it.

The school year is starting to wind down, and the end of the year is in site. I got a call from an old friend the other day who is going to apply at the high school. I am trying to decide if it would help her if I wrote a letter for her. The last two people I wrote letters of recommendation for didn’t get interviews. It would be great working with her, and I think she would do a good job.

Amy and the kids stayed at home from church today. It was a little lonely going by myself. Callie was being difficult, so we didn’t think the long drive would be possible. The sermon was good. The music was good. Orchardville is a great church. For whatever reason though, I can’t seem to find my niche there.

Hmmm, what else? Just looking forward to warmer weather!


Anonymous said...

You cannot find your niche because you are a underhanded hateful person.

Ryan and Amy said...

I'm sorry you feel that way. In my opinion, I am neither. Perhaps you are from the Register News forum where I am agressively advocating the new school. It is something we really need. I would be working hard for it even if I didn't work there. In fact, I have my application in someplace else. But none of that really matters.

If you are from the church, then I really feel sorry you feel that way. God knows I am far from what I need to be, but hopefully He is still working on me. I often hate things that people do, but I try really hard not to hate "them."