Saturday, December 02, 2006

Finally a Night Out

Amy and I finally had the chance to enjoy an evening to ourselves. Our friend Rachel watched the children for us while we went to eat at Applebees and shopping. Nothing major, but it was really nice to have a couple of hours to oursleves.

What else has been going on? Not a lot really. I said goodbye to Paige (my student teacher) and am trying to prepare for the next two final weeks of the regular semester. It always gets really busy about this time. Even now as I write this I'm considering going up to work at the high school. I really don't want to, but I need to at some point this weekend. Those of you who don't teach probably wonder, "Why does he have so much to do?" Its complicated. Something like this: lessons to prepare, papers to grade, papers to copy, tests to make up, grade reports to print of and make comments on, labs to set up, labs to take down, tardy reports to file, parents to call about students being tardy, and special education documentation. Much, much more, but I just got stressed thinking about it. Oh well, in two weeks and three days I will have a couple of weeks off! Yeah!