Friday, June 23, 2006

I Solved the Rubik's Cube!

Alright, I'll be the first to admit that this is a little geekish. But come on, how many people do you really know who have solved the Rubik's cube? Can you tell by the picture that it took me five hours? Soving this 80's puzzle has been one of my personal life's goals. I know, that is wierd, but it has.

If anyone is interrested in the adventure, I found a website that offers some helpful hints. To be fair, I could never have done it without the hints. The website can be found here. And if by reading the site, you think, "oh, that looks easy!" Then get a cube and try might be a lot faster than me. But then again, I am color blind to a small degree, so don't brag if you beat my time.

You might be wondering what some of my other wierd, personal life goals are (or not). Okay, here are a few in random order:

---Catch a ball at a professional baseball game. I have come very close twice. On one occassion, my friend who was sitting two seats from me caught it. The other time, the ball was about 6 inches from going in my glove when a hand reached up and grabbed it!

---Find the following: meteorite, fulgurite, and a dinosaur bone

---Live for a while in Hawaii (or at least by the beach)

---Obtain a doctorate degree (I'm between a Master's and Doctorate now, but I have NO DESIRE to go back to school anytime soon)

---Obtain a Black Belt in martial arts (I'm at Yellow, which is a long way away)

These are just a few that come to mind. I've thought about making an actual list of "things to do before I die," but it would be a little wierd to start crossing them off. How would I feel when I got to the last one? Perhaps I should add one each time I cross one off. Okay, Rubik's cube down, now what... hmmm.. let me think about it for a while.